Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Getting back on track...I think :)

 Yep it's been that long since I last blogged! A new baby, a new body, a new life! All that can happen in a few months, sheesh!!! Well I read this beautiful blog by, about her latest journey in having a baby and I just loved it. So I wanted to also share my journey...

So it all started on a frisky night...Oh wait, that's probably too much detail hee hee ;)  Fast forward a little and wa la pregnant again! Wow, we were definitely surprised but not freaked, so that was good. Funny thing is once again there is that exact time frame of about 3 years in between and then 9 months to adjust to the idea of yet another precious package from heaven. My 3 boys are 11,7, and 4.  Of course we were dreaming of a little girl and hoping that this would be the one.  I realized I could ask the Lord what the gender would be, but I was kind of afraid to trust even if I did hear Him. But I asked anyway, I heard a scripture address; Song of Solomon 4:1,9 and didn't know what it said so I turned to it, and it was:
How beautiful you are, my darling!
   Oh, how beautiful!
   Your eyes behind your veil are doves.
Your hair is like a flock of goats
   descending from the hills of Gilead. 
You have stolen my heart, my sister, my bride;
   you have stolen my heart
with one glance of your eyes,
   with one jewel of your necklace.  
I was stoked! "My SISTER, my BRIDE" wow that seems pretty clear! I held it in my heart and kept asking for confirmations.  Then a few months before the due date, I got a call from a friend in CA who said, "I have some good news for you, God told me IT"S A GIRL!!" She said, "I wasn't going to ask cuz I didn't want you to be giving the baby a false identity in case I was wrong, but I just kept hearing," 'it's a girl, it's a girl, it's a girl' and I knew with out a doubt you are getting your girl."

I had had the name Elizabeth Lynn, since being pregnant with Ian, the Lord gave me some words about a little girl we would have (and He even told it me it wasn't the one I was carrying) and he gave me some words for her when she arrived.

Then Autumn (my sister) calls one day and says, "Is Abigail one of the names you guys were considering?" I told her we hadn't even thought about that name, but I looked up the meaning, "Joy of The Father" and fell in love!  She told me that she was waking from a nap in that sleep wake state and she saw a vision of me pregnant and it hit her, "there is going to be a new baby soon, and she heard Abigail, so she called me thinking I had probably mentioned that name and that's why it was so clear. She was surprised to hear I hadn't mentioned that name.  I wasn't sure we would name her that, but definitely felt it was significant of her destiny and identity. 

So I started to feel pretty confident, and the Lord just kept giving me little fun confirmations. I started to be bold enough to at least say, "well, if it's not a girl, I will seriously be confused, cuz I have gotten some pretty clear confirmations."
I even took a step of faith and took home a completely pink, ruffly, flour patterned bassinet! I placed my little stuffed female monkey (that I got when I was 7) in there until my real baby arrived.

Then came the NIGHT, that is after about a MONTH of false labor, or they say preliminary labor, but I agree with FALSE, cuz I got my hopes up so many times, I was pretty sure, I would go into labor eventually and not even know I was in labor.  OK I was wrong about that, there was NO QUESTION once it came :(   I had an 8 hr labor with 45 minutes of terribly intense pushing. I did lose my bearings, I felt afraid of the pain cuz it wouldn't subside, and I wasn't even sure the pushing was actually doing anything just HURTING and I was pushing with all my might, I didn't even know my body could do that. Autumn (my sister) said she saw veins popping out of my neck she didn't even know I had!  Leah (my other sister) even skyped in, not being able to join in person this time, she was with me all the way from Washington DC! She definitely is committed to being a part of her nephew and nieces arrivals! I love it! On her break at work she had me on her iphone, hiding the screen from any passerby's :) The boys woke up an hour before baby arrived and they heard the loud waling as I did the final bone separating push!  Ian (7 year old) told me later that he was going into his bedroom when I did that yell and he covered his ears and prayed for me. :) So sweet.  Mom was just about to say that she would take the boys to her place, when Ruslan came out announcing the arrival of ABIGAIL ELIZABETH LYNN KALASHNIKOV!!!! It's a girl!!!!!!! Once I saw her I couldn't call her Elizabeth, she was definitely Abigail our little "Abi-girl" ;) We once again carried on the new tradition (Since Ian) of two middle names :)

I will write more on the processing and recovery afterward...

MY DAUGHTER! Yes, daughter!!!! WOW!

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