I think my first tendency used to be to remain ignorant when it comes to politics...But I have come to realize even though that "feels" better it isn't taking responsibility for what God might have for me to fulfill, being born and raised in this beautiful bountiful country. Growing up my Mom had a tendency to be more fearful and worrisome about the things going on in the world, and my Dad didn't seem to be aware of it or care much. I guess with out realizing I chose my dad's way only because it looked a little more peaceful...However, neither way was the perfect way. Both my Mom and Dad were living two extremes. Now at age 33, I think I am finally understanding things a bit more clearly.
I for sure feel overwhelmed at some of the things happening that are negative, but I have always had a tendency to be moreoptimistic and choose hope no matter how bad things look, that has definitely played out in my favor. When I think of our leaders and the corruption, it feels really big and impossible, but then I go to God, and I begin to soak in His presence just sitting alone with Him and worshiping to some music and I begin to feel His tangible love and mercy, and everything suddenly becomes lighter. I often have no idea what to pray for our leaders or our country so I worship God until He begins to pour out intercession through me, and many times I just cry and cry and cry, but I feel Him using that and changing my perspective and hope begins rising up. I sometimes see visions in my mind's eye and I pray into those as I feel the Spirit leading, and it feels so good, it feels like my prayers are actually accomplishing things (because they are!). I continue to ask the Lord what is my part, what role can I play in blessing this country and reminding my country and my people that this is our Nation under God, indivisible, with LIBERTY, and justice for all! Father, how do we come against the onslaught of the enemy in all the evil that we are seeing...???
Well here are a few things that He has given me to stand in the midst of dry bones, or hopelessness:
One step at a time: "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time."
I tend to think globally and of whole nations of people coming to the Lord, but I have found there is a lot of wisdom in Jesus' words, "LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF." That is, after we are loving God and allowing His love to flow through us so we truly love our neighbor.
But what does that look like?
Talk to your neighbor. :) Help them with their groceries, watch their children for an evening, offer your tools for their yard work, invite them for dinner, whatever you feel the Lord nudging you to do. It is only by our daily walk and reaching our neighbor that we can change our neighborhood that we can release the Love of God to begin tearing down strongholds of division, independence, hatred, selfishness, political correctness. After our neighborhood transforms, our town starts shifting, after our towns, our cities, after our cities, our states...you get the picture right. :)
Focus on YOUR sphere of influence, cuz you do have influence!
Remember that God has you where He wants you (unless you know you aren't where you are supposed to be)! It isn't somewhere else, it isn't where revival is happening more, it isn't the next church where more spiritual things are happening, it's right inside of you. YOU are the resting place of God, if you will let ytourself be. God said a broken and contrite spirit He will not deny, but He resists the proud. He is looking for the hungry hearts who will do what they can with what they have, where they are at! :) Yeah! It isn't somewhere in the future, it's now, in your backyard, at your bbq, at the movie theater, with your friends who you are embarrassed to mention Jesus to. It's right where you are at. Your friends are watching you, your family is watching you, you have influence and authority with the ones you love. Jesus only moved with compassion, use that compassion and ask Holy Spirit what He wants to do today. It's NOT somewhere else.
Find GOOD testimonies of what's happening in America.
There are actually some very exciting things going on ALL over America. Think of Redding for example, 1000's of people are coming in every year to meet with God get more of Him to know how to reach their cities. Here in Eugene Oregon, our Pastor's heart is to unite the Churches, imagine how powerful it will be when ALL churches start moving together in unity instead of fighting each other. A huge abortion facility in Texas was SHUT DOWN recently! People are rising up and standing for life!
Ask God what your role is in your city, and what cause to stand with or for.
Don't compare yourself to other people's roles! You are designed for something uniquely you! You might be called to Mother your children and prepare the next generation to be pure and set apart. You might be called to stand in prayer for people who are up front in visible ministries. You might be called to bring change to the business realm having a business that is done in integrity and excellence. You might be one who sows into feeding the poor or stopping abortion. You might be one called to cook the most amazing meals to bless others and show God's extravagance! You might be called to be the most loving neighbor anyone has ever encountered. Only you know and God knows so start asking where do you begin. What do you have in your possession? Maybe you need to be sharing your beautiful roses with people who love roses. Maybe you need to be dancing more, even in your own living room. God will show you your part and it will be clear, it's not somewhere else!
I feel super excited about what God is doing in our nation, I believe it is never hopeless as long as God is on the throne!
Also just ask God if there is something locally happening that you can be a part of in helping your community, or somewhere you can sow financially? Or maybe it's nursery in your church? Anything to help serve others...if you are already doing this ask God if you are to change anything or if you are on the right track?
It's like smearing Poo all over yourself and then everyone you come into contact with gets some on them too. It's not good!
Ask God how He sees things. Ask for His perspective. Seriously! Even as you are reading this sit still for 5 more minutes and ask God to reveal His view. He may give you a scripture or a picture, or a song, or words. Pay attention He will speak to you. Write it down, and when you are tempted to believe the circumstances, read that word, or ask Him again, He can show you more! :)
I love you all! I love this country! And best of all God loves our nation!

Rawlife, is simply that, a blog about the truth of my life. My hope is that even just one of you, would read this blog and find a helpful nugget for your life. I would be so thankful to have helped at least one to skip the step of "learning the hard way" or worse yet, feeling alone in life. (Below is a link to my love story part one and the rest follows in descending dates.) http://www.lifeladeeda.blogspot.com/2013_02_03_archive.html
Sunday, July 21, 2013
God loves this Country and I do too. :)
american families,
eugene or,
Russian american family life,
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