I have decided to start blogging our lives, the Kalashnikov's, that is. I have never blogged before, but I hear it's the new thing to do ;). Anyway I am going to try and update it weekly, we shall see how I do????
I have just been thinking a lot about how much we, humans, can tend to keep to ourselves. I notice how I forget that there are so many people out there who would be happy to help or encourage or hear what I have to say or share, or pray with us and for us. People who also want to be a part of someone else's world. Thus came my desire to blog.
We are in the process of so many things it feels like and no one is even aware. I love to have encourager's along the way, supporters who remind us why we should continue to persevere in the goals that we have. People who tell us to go ahead, “take that leap of faith!' So here I am I hope I have at least one reader who will be willing to join us on our journey, and I hope that one reader will be so encouraged and uplifted that he/she will pass on my blog and that reader will also do the same and so on and so forth, until the WHOLE WORLD knows about the Kalashnikov Clan updates! Hey who said I couldn't dream big! Right??!!!
OK I realize a blog shouldn't be too long cuz I will lose you right away. So for now I will tell you what we are doing right this moment. We are on our way to North Carolina tomorrow (it is 11:30 PM right now) to go to a conference called “Pursue, Overtake, Recover ALL,” I love that title! My awesome Mom is watching all three boys so that we can go, thank You Lord for Moms! I am also planning on asking Mahesh Chavda if he would be willing to write a blurb for my book that I am writing, I Survived the 40 Day Fast (and you can too), I may not even get a chance to talk to him but I am praying there will be an opportunity, I have my letter of request all ready and I am also praying I don't chicken out because who am I to get Mahesh Chavda to do a blurb for me??? Well hopefully that scripture comes into play “You have not because you ask not.” I'd appreciate your prayers for favor favor favor! Thanks.