Hmmm........Where do I start? Well I first want to start with saying how awesome it is to TRULY trust God with everything, instead of just saying I do.
Last week I released my "LIFE" shirts to the Lord and said, "Lord, I give them back to you, I can't make it happen and I hate self promotion because it's not even about that, I need help to spread this message, that is so important to me. I pray you would put it on people's hearts to help me spread the word and help get these shirts out
Two days later I decided to text a sweet grade school friend whom I hadn't talked to in a while. I asked how she was doing and she ended up asking me how my "LIFE" shirts were doing and if I had found a sponsor, something I hadn't even thought of. I replied that I was leaving it in God's hands and was waiting to move forward on this one marketing idea but I needed $295 dollars, so I was just waiting to see. She then texted that she wanted to pay half! I was so stoked! I thanked her immensly and still couldn't believe it! Two days later from that prayer of leaving it in God's hands!
Then to top that off, I was standing in line at the deli, (at the court house waiting to know if they needed me as a juror), and the older man in front of me offered to buy my coffee and donut! I felt like God was totally showing how much he cares for all of my desires, even a yummy glazed donut!!!
I had a lovely time with my sister Faith on Memorial day! After spending some time at the lake with us she came over to our house for a bit and we caught up on our "girl talk," after about 3 hours! As we were talking I got such a clear understanding of how much I need girl talk, I figured I probably need it atleast once a week.
It has been really funny since being set free from religion and pride I have begun to notice things that I think I was in denial about. I found that some things I felt proud about, that they didn't affect me. However, they did affect me I just didn't notice how. So any sort of "NEED" was very hard (and still is sometimes) to admit. One of those funny things that I recognized was that sometimes at certain periods in my life, I just all of a sudden feel down, unmotivated, and incapable of being a mom or wife, etc... In the last few weeks I started to pinpoint how often I feel that way, and what do you know!???? It was approximately once a month for a "period" of about 5-7 days??? What a coincidence!! ha ha
So along those same lines I was realizing that around 3 or so I start to feel sort of sluggish and not much energy? So I was thinking maybe it's spiritual? But then I just asked the Lord and I started to think maybe it was my eating habits? That very night we were watching T.V. and this commercial pops up on the screen and it says something like:
"So for those of you feeling sluggish around 3 PM eat some nuts (it was advertizing the nuts) and don't let that blood sugar get to such a low!"
I was just laughing! Such a quick answer and in such a direct way! God is so cool how he speaks to us. I have really begun to recognize how many different ways He speaks. We just need to keep our senses open, ALL OF THEM!
By the way I tried that commercial's (God's) advice and I felt much better! I ate some fruit at about that time and I had some nuts and I didn't feel that sluggishness at all!!