Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I don't have to have an agenda! YEAH!!! Yippeee!

My Mom and I went to go pray for Jeff Duncan (who has lou gehrigs disease-and will be healed) about a week ago and as we were praying for direction beforehand, my Mom said, "I just feel like we don't need to have an agenda, we are just going to see what the Lord has in mind." for some reason I guess it was an impartation moment because something was deposited in me that day, and I have completely noticed the effect of it in every other part of my life since! Somehow it is easier to finally understand that I am not responsible for my husbands decisions
(good or bad), I am not supposed to figure out everyone's needs and meet them all, I can go somewhere to just have fun and not try and figure out my purpose there, I can live and enjoy life without feeling pressured to figure out what God wants to happen in every circumstance. I can rest and trust in His time, His way, and Him. I somehow see clearly now that as I go forth with the complete hunger and desire for more of God and to obey no matter what the cost everything will come into place. I don't have to make it happen. In the words of Eric Johnson:

"Jesus never promoted himself, and he was the most known man of his day."

He accomplished everything he needed to and lived out his full destiny. He also balanced his days well, time for people, time alone with God, walking in the power to heal, deliver, and set free, discipling and training up the next leaders, he had a perfect balance. That's exactly what I need, DIVINE ORDER! I feel like things are making more sense and I feel a renewed ability and hope for order and accomplishing goals. YAY God there is hope! A few things that we have started doing to just bring more order into our home have really helped here they are.
  • We all do chores together at the same time-we set the timer for 30 minutes put on some fun music and do chores until the timer beeps
  • We have a designated time for homeschooling and if Daniel doesn't finish his work in time he gets an extra 1/2 hour of school (he tends to procrastinate-thus the rule)
  • We try and have prayer and Bible reading before breakfast (we are getting there)
  • The boys are not allowed to eat breakfast until their room is in order (a workmen is worthy of his sustenence;))
Anyway things are looking up (order wise) and I am hoping to designate 2 days a week for marketing all my ideas and projects, marketing is soooo overwhelming! But I am learning new stuff.

Love you all!
(Photo by me- Manhattan Beach, Ca)

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