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A few weeks ago, the year 1975, was highlighted to me 3 times in
one day. So I decided to look up things that happened in 1975 in the world, as
I started to read through events, certain events stood out to me like a soldier
when a general enters the room (Kris Valloton), and I began to write them
down. The more I began to write
the more excited I became! I could see a theme here. I feel like the Lord is
giving women a 2nd chance.
Not that He ever gives up on us, but I feel like a national call to
women is going out from the Father of Lights. In 1975 He tried to release
a powerful movement of women, but for the most part the Devil got in and stole
and perverted the call. Instead of women rising up in their identity in Christ
and walking in the purity and powerfulness of their destiny; they began to try
and stand on their own, apart from God, apart from men, they decided that we are
indestructible and we don’t NEED ANYONE!
What God truly wanted was for the women to recognize their glory IN the Lord,
He wanted us to shine with HIS glory, not our own strength.
So NOW IS THE TIME, for women to come to the Father, and lay
down our “all powerful” prideful ways and cry out for help, and embrace the
design that God created: our need for relationship, our need for Him, recognizing the power of a covering and
submission out of love and intimacy, the embracing of accountability, the
stability of trusting others.
I say I AM IN! Yes God more! More! More! I need more of You! I
can’t do it on my own.
(The events from 1975 are in black, the revelation I received is in orange-
there were so many names that stood out and each time I looked up the meaning,
I was so amazed!)
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Feb 2nd - US
female Figure Skating championship won by Dorothy Hamill
Dorothy is Gift Of God
Barry Manilow's "Mandy" goes gold Mandy is Loveable;
a message was being sent to tell women that they were, LOVEABLE.
Jan 1st -
International Women's Year begins OF COURSE! J
The Gypsy closes
(gypsy -an independent, inclination to move from place to
place) The gypsy, loner, independent thinking must END!
Space mountain opened –going
high with God!
Jan 24th -
Fastest Earth-bound object, 7200 kph, in vacuum centrifuge, England
Heaven kissing earth
Feb 11th - Margaret Thatcher defeats Edward Heath for Conservative
Feb 20th -
Margaret Thatcher elected leader of British Conservative Party
Women taking leadership was
beginning in new levels
Mar 1st - Eagles'
"Best of My Love" reaches #1
(Eagles- prophetic statement) God
was wanting to give the BEST OF HIS LOVE, and IS wanting to now!
Mar 3rd -
"Goodtime Charley" opens at Palace Theater NYC for 104 performances (A musical about Joan of Arc) A very brave and powerful woman who
stood for her convictions
Mar 17th - Valeri Muratov skates world record 1000m (1:16.92)
Valerie means strength. God made women
to be strong, but not to take the place of men, not to be strong LIKE men, we
have a different strength which will only be unveiled when in the perfect
balance, birthed from a place of identity in Christ, love, value, honor,
interdependence and has the covering of a man or a church body, or a strong
team of support, NOT ALONE
Mar 19th - Penn
is the 1st state to allow girls to compete with boys in HS sports
I believe this is some of the
beginnings of the enemie’s plan to make women think they were to be like men,
instead of valuing a man’s place and a man’s strength, not valuing their place
as a woman, it’s not supposed to look like a man or to COMPETE with men, we are
to come alongside men to build up men, to let men be a strength to us in
healthy ways they were created to be
Mar 22nd -
"Letter for Queen Victoria" opens at ANTA Theater NYC
Victoria-winner conquerer WOW!
Apr 8th - 47th Academy Awards - "Godfather II,"
God wants to reveal Himself as
Father to His daughters
Apr 12th - Linda Ronstadt releases "When Will I Be Loved"
Linda means Pretty One.
Already, because of this misunderstanding of women “taking their place”
they are beginning to feel alone and not loved
Apr 18th - John Lennon releases "Stand by Me"
I hear the man’s cry and the
woman’s cry in this song WE NEED EACH OTHER
Apr 27th - Sandra Haynie wins LPGA Charity Golf Classic
Sandra means defender of the
people We are called to be
nurturers, God put it in our DNA
May 3rd - Christa
Vahlensieck runs female world record marathon (2:40:15.8) Christa means Christ-Bearer! We are to be running with Christ not from Him
May 4th - Ed Bullins' "Taking of Miss Jane," premieres in NYC
Jane means God Is Gracious. There has been a HUGE misconception of God
being gracious. The enemy has really painted a sick picture of God as a mean,
merciless, domineering, tyrant, that women shouldn’t trust
May 4th - Maria
Astrologes wins LPGA Birmingham Golf Classic
Maria means,Of The Sea Or Bitter. There has definitely been MUCH bitterness
sown in the hearts of women in this deception of them taking on the world alone
May 6th – Bundy (a serial killer) victim Lynette Culver disappears from
Pocatello, Idaho
Lynette means Pretty One.
Even in the natural “Pretty One” was targeted and violated, as it has
been the plan of the enemy since the beginning of time. Thus far and NO MORE!
Women we must recognize the plan of the enemy and stand in the opposite and
stop agreeing with the lies. We
were created to walk in the fullness of our beauty inside and out. You are
beautiful you are valuable, you are loved, you and not to be ashamed.
May 16th -
Japanese Junko Tabei became 1st woman to reach Mt Everest's summit
Junko means Obedient, Genuine, Pure (YES GOD!)
We are to ascend the Mountain of
God not our own mountain, God is beckoning us to come to him, He is wooing us
to Himself.
May 16th - Wings
release "Listen to What the Man Said" in UK
Our wings will be released when
we learn to honor our men our leaders and listen to what they say we need their
input. We are not to do it on our own.
May 17th - NBC
paid $5M for rights to show "Gone with the Wind" one time
Taken into His presence, a
deeper move of the Holy Spirit, encounters
May 19th - 27th Emmy Awards: Mary Tyler Moore Show, Robert Blake & Jean
Mary means of the sea or bitter
If we don’t become like Mary who
was at Jesus Feet in the Bible, we will become bitter and empty inside. We don’t
have enough love to meet the needs and demands of life, we must receive from
Jesus’ love and we must give from our overflow
Jun 14th - Janis
Ian releases "At 17"
Janis means God Is Gracious
Jun 15th - Carol
Mann wins Lawson's LPGA Golf Classic
(Carol is a form of Charles) Charles means Free Man
Women be free! Free from your
own deception, free from your own strength, trust in His strength trust. trust.
As I was pondering all of this I
also heard Doug Addison mention that the 70’s was the last revival in the US and
the Christians judged it and didn’t like all the hippies and all the messiness
of the move of God, so it sort of fizzled out eventually. Father we welcome you back, we welcome
your move no matter what it looks like!