I am back! Sheesh, it feels like so much has happened in these last few weeks or has it already been months!? I will take a stroll through my photos and see if I can remember some things that have happened........

This would be some of my random photos for photography class. I am so loving and learning in this class. Love it, love it, love it! My teacher is Harvey Spector, a very nice, very knowledgeable man in the arena of digital photography. This one with the spoons hanging from the ceiling would be my brother Seth help my boys with creativity. ;) As if they need any more ideas on how to lose all of Mom's untensils and everything else I am always needing, but can never find!
I have been encouraged to hear that many of you are actually reading my blogs, that makes me OH SO HAPPY! I realize that I really get a lot of enjoyment and fulfillment in knowing that my life is somehow affecting other lives. I think we all truly have a desire to affect others in a positive way. It's fun to have others a part of your world for sure! Thanks all, for you support, comments, and sharing of your hearts as well.
Of course many of you know that my LITTLE sister Faithy Lu got herself an amazing man and they are now married! They are such a wonderful perfect couple, they are so precious. I am so stinkin happy for Faithy, she really found a gallant prince! The wedding was so beautiful and wonderful. She chose fall colors orange and brown. It always amazes me the work that goes into something that lasts only hours. We went from setting up, rushing around thinking we might not make it in time, to tearing it all down hours later and thinking about what a lovely wedding it was.
This is some of the family before the wedding, being wild and crazy as usual. This is a Russian game brought into the family by my main man Ruslan, of course. My Mom had to flee the scene, she couldn' t handle her "boys" wanting to inflict pain on each other. BOYS WILL BE BOYS! I too will never understand it!
Then of course the main event! Faith was all smiles and so gorgeous. God is so good at matching us up with the perfect match. I know they will definitley be a "Happily Ever After.
The 2 cutest ring bearers ever!
This month, October 16th was Ruslan and my 10 year anniversary. I still can't believe it, it feels more like 5 years, maybe. We decided to go take a walk down memory lane. We went to Youth With A Mission, Richardson Springs, in Chico Ca, where we met. It was so much fun. We felt lots of memories flooding back, and we even hiked up to the falls, where we used to often go. This time it was so much fun cuz we could hold hands, hug, and do whatever we wanted because we now have a liscense to be together. For those of you who have no idea what I am talking about, we weren't allowed to have "relationships" during the Discipleship Training School.
It was so much fun. I am so thankful to have been given such a special gift of Ruslan. He is the perfect man for me in everyway. It has been our marriage that has fine tuned me in so many ways and is still sharpening me and teaching me so much. God really knew what He was doing when he planned for a man and a woman to become one. Ruslan is my dream come true and since I am writing this blog I will tell you that he feels the same way. ;)
This is us today 2009

This is us in 1999